28 May 2008

Completely flippin' random

I can't describe this site...I have been reading here for about an hour now and have laughed out lound and come nearly to tears...check it out.............


I have been consumed with everything BUT scrapping lately - mojo has left the building :-( I have been working (I use the term very loosely) on the same page for about a week and a half now...and have no real desire to put it away and start a new page or even try to finish this page...oh well, it's not going anywhere........
There are other things to do :-) hehehe...like find obscure blogs that are cool! And preparing myself for the end of school (only two more days); ack! Paying daycare for Nick...man that sucks! How long till he can stay home???? Chris is supposed to work this summer so hopefully he will be occupied and I won't get any of those "phone calls" this summer...you know the ones - "Mom, do we have a fire extingisher?" "Mom, you didn't really like the blanket that was on your bed, did you?" "Mom, I tried to fix the vacuumm and there were pieces left over...." Or coming home to find he tried to make peanut brittle (I had to throw the glass (!) baking dish away!) or I come home to the most awful stench you can imagine lingering in the house (he saw on TV that if you put a bar of soap in the microwave, it will foam...... Ivory bar soap, yes....Irish Spring....not so much.) Hopefully him working will be good...he is starting to save for a car, so he is hyped about working. Nick is going to a daycare that he has already been kicked out of once (about 5 years ago; pre-meds and Dr's) so that should be interesting.
Anyway...that's all for now...
More later

1 comment:

Cynde said...

stop it! i am laughing right now, your boys, they are so funny. you never have a dull moment, do you?